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Smiling child

Our Programs

Food Distribution

Nayi Soch Foundation distributes food to poor families and children who don't have access to basic nutrition. We believe that every person deserves to have access to healthy and nutritious meals. By providing food to those in need, we aim to reduce hunger and malnutrition in our society.

Young plant of forest tree

Clothing Distribution

Nayi Soch Foundation provides clothing to poor families and children who cannot afford to buy new clothes. We collect gently used clothes and distribute them to those in need. By providing clothing to those in need, we aim to improve their quality of life and help them feel dignified.

beach cleaning

Education Support

Nayi Soch Foundation provides educational support to children from underprivileged families. We believe that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a better future for individuals and communities. We provide scholarships, tutoring, and educational resources to help children reach their full potential.

people packaging supplies

Healthcare Services

Nayi Soch Foundation provides healthcare services to poor families and children who cannot afford to pay for medical treatment. We believe that access to healthcare is a basic human right, and no one should suffer due to lack of resources. We provide medical camps, free consultations, and medicines to those in need.

young volunteer with children

Emergency Relief

Nayi Soch Foundation provides emergency relief services during natural disasters, conflicts, and other emergencies. We provide food, shelter, clothing, and medical care to those affected by such situations. We believe that in times of crisis, it is our duty to help those in need.

Volunteering in a kitchen

Women Empowerment

Nayi Soch Foundation empowers women from marginalized communities by providing them with vocational training, microfinance, and other resources to start their own businesses. We believe that women have the potential to create a better future for themselves and their families, and we aim to support them in achieving their goals.

child painting a wall

Child Protection

Nayi Soch Foundation works to protect children from abuse, exploitation, and trafficking. We provide education and awareness programs to children and their families, and we work with law enforcement agencies to ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. We believe that every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.

People doing construction works

Advocacy and Awareness

Nayi Soch Foundation raises awareness about social issues and advocates for the rights of marginalized communities. We believe that by speaking up for those who are voiceless, we can create a more just and equitable society. We use social media, campaigns, and other platforms to engage with the public and create positive change.

Hands typing on laptop

©2024 by Nayi Soch Foundation.

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